
The Tulips Ball

Between 24-26 May Their Highnesses Duke Alexander and Duke Michael attended the three day programme of the 5th Edition of the Tulips Ball, held this year in The Hague. Duke Michael’s involvement with the Tulips Ball began while studying at Leiden University and he serves as a member of the Organising Committee. His mother The…

Auction of the Remplin Palace

On 8 March 2019 the remaining north wing of the Remplin Palace, which is a listed cultural building, will be put up for auction in Rostock through the auction house Norddeutsche Grundstücksauktionen AG. The once magnificent residence, which was acquired by Duke Georg in 1852 as a base for the Russian branch of the Grand…

200th anniversary of the death of Queen Charlotte

Today marks the 200th anniversary of the death at Kew Palace of Queen Charlotte of Great Britain and Hanover. To mark the anniversary a celebration of her life was held in the Mirow Palace’s Great Hall. During the service the historian Sandra Lembke delivered an hour long lecture on the life of Queen Charlotte for…

Duke Michael on 100 years since the end of the Monarchy

It is now 100 years ago that the monarchy in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Russia ended. Sometimes regions experience a violent revolution others got away with a blue eye. Mecklenburg-Strelitz was one of the latter places. The revolution was short and the division of the Domanium, the property of the Grand Duke, in Mecklenburg-Strelitz peaceful…

Mirow Restauration – Mitteilung von Herzog Michael

Es ist dem Haus Mecklenburg-Strelitz auch ein großes Anliegen nicht nur an das wunderbare Treffen zwischen den Häusern Montenegro und Mecklenburg-Strelitz, sondern auch an die großartige Arbeit rund um die Renovierung der Kirche und Gruft in Mirow zu erinnern. Durch die großartige politische Unterstützung und Arbeit von Herrn Kokert, Landesvorsitzender der CDU Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns, Herrn Schmettau,…

Statement by Duke Michael on renewing dynastic ties with Montenegro

After four months, we would like to use the opportunity to remember the fantastic event to exchange honors of friendship to renew an old trust between the Royal House of Montenegro and the Grand Ducal House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. The meeting between the two families took place from the 31st of July until the 2rd of…

Funeral of Duke Carl Gregor

The funeral service of His late Highness Duke Carl Gregor took place at the Einsiedlerkapelle in Inzigkofen this afternoon on the 12th anniversary of the death of his beloved wife Duchess Maria Margarethe. The mourners included The Duke and Duchess of Mecklenburg, Duchess Olga, Duke Michael, Duchess Marie Katharina, her husband Wolfgang von Wasielewski, their…

Annual Memorial Service in Mirow

The relationship between the Grand Ducal House and the Royal House of Montenegro was reaffirmed today at the Annual Memorial Service for deceased members of the Grand Ducal House at the Church of St John in Mirow. Ties between the Grand Ducal House and Royal House of Montenegro date back nearly 120 years to the…

Death of Duke Carl Gregor

His Highness Duke Carl Gregor has died. He passed away this morning, 23 July 2018, at the age of 85 at his home Villa Silberburg in Hechingen where he had lived for over 50 years following his marriage to Princess Maria Margarethe of Hohenzollern. Duke Carl Gregor was widowed in 2006. He and Princess Maria…

Death of the Prince of Isenburg

His Serene Highness Franz Alexander, Prince of Isenburg has died at the age of 74 after a long illness. Prince Franz Alexander, who died 5 May 2018, was born on 22 July 1943 in Birstein the only son of Prince Franz Ferdinand of Isenburg and his wife Countess Irina Tolstoy. Prince Franz Alexander was married…