‘Tree of Peace’ ceremony

To mark the completion of the second restoration phase and the planting of a ‘Tree of Peace’, the Residence City of Neustrelitz, the “Tree of Peace” organisation, and the Grand Ducal House invited people to the Schlosskoppel on 29 March 2025 where a pedunculate oak was planted with around 50 guests in attendance. The ‘Tree…

Baptism of Duke Leopold

The baptism of His Highness Duke Georg Leopold Borwin took place at the Church of Our Saviour, in The Hague, on Saturday 13 April 2024. The baptism service was conducted by Father Sjaak de Boer, who had co-officiated at the religious wedding of Duke Leopold’s parents, Duke Alexander and Duchess Hande. In addition to Duke…

Name of the son of the Duke Alexander and Duchess Hande

Duke Alexander and Duchess Hande have named their new born son Georg Leopold Borwin. He will be known by the middle of these names, Leopold. Georg is the name traditionally given to the firstborn male of the younger branch of the House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz descending from Grand Duke Georg (1779-1860) via his second son Duke…

Press Release – Royal Birth

This morning at 5:41 am, Duchess Hande of Mecklenburg-Strelitz gave birth to a baby boy in Rotterdam. The parents and child are happy, tired and well. Duke Georg Alexander and his wife Hande were married in a civil ceremony at Mirow Palace on 17 June 2022 and in the city church in the City of…

Official wedding portraits

The official wedding portraits of Duke Alexander and Duchess Hande have been released. The full selection of photos are available on our Flickr account. The photographer was Ines Jung of Neustrelitz.

Religious wedding of the Duke Alexander and Duchess Hande

The religious marriage of the heir to the House of Mecklenburg, Duke Alexander and Duchess Hande, took place today at the City Church in the City of Residence of Neustrelitz. Around 500 guests were present inside the church for the wedding ceremony of whom around 130 were especially invited, the remainder were members of the…

Kirchlichen Trauung Sr. H. des Herzogs Georg Alexander zu Mecklenburg

Pressemitteilung und Pressinformation des Großherzoglichen Hauses Mecklenburg-Strelitz Zur Kirchlichen Trauung Sr. H. des Herzogs Georg Alexander zu Mecklenburg mit Hande Herzogin zu Mecklenburg, geb. Macit am Samstag, 17. September 2022 um 11 Uhr in der Stadtkirche der Residenzstadt Neustrelitz Die Kirchliche Trauung von Georg Alexander Herzog zu Mecklenburg, ältester Sohn des Chefs des Hauses Mecklenburg-Strelitz,…

Civil marriage of Duke Alexander and Hande Macit

His Highness The Duke proudly announces, that today the civil marriage of his eldest son HH Duke Georg Alexander with Miss. Hande Macit took place in the Great Hall in the Palace of Mirow at 2 pm. TH The Duke and the Duchess and HH Duke Michael were present.

Tulips Ball

On 28 May Duke Alexander, his fiancée Hande Macit and Duke Michael attended the 6th Edition of the Tulips Ball, held this year at the Koepelkerk in Amsterdam. Duke Michael’s involvement with the Tulips Ball began while studying at Leiden University and he serves as a member of the Organising Committee. His mother the Duchess…


Presenting this years Christmas Card from the Grand Ducal Family featuring the Duke and Duchess of Mecklenburg, Duchess Olga, Duke Alexander, his fiancée Hande Macit and Duke Michael. The Grand Ducal Family are very grateful for the hundreds of Christmas Cards they receive each year. Due to the volume of requests they receive to send…