Baptism of Duke Leopold

The baptism of His Highness Duke Georg Leopold Borwin took place at the Church of Our Saviour, in The Hague, on Saturday 13 April 2024. The baptism service was conducted by Father Sjaak de Boer, who had co-officiated at the religious wedding of Duke Leopold’s parents, Duke Alexander and Duchess Hande. In addition to Duke…

Religious wedding of the Duke Alexander and Duchess Hande

The religious marriage of the heir to the House of Mecklenburg, Duke Alexander and Duchess Hande, took place today at the City Church in the City of Residence of Neustrelitz. Around 500 guests were present inside the church for the wedding ceremony of whom around 130 were especially invited, the remainder were members of the…

Civil marriage of Duke Alexander and Hande Macit

His Highness The Duke proudly announces, that today the civil marriage of his eldest son HH Duke Georg Alexander with Miss. Hande Macit took place in the Great Hall in the Palace of Mirow at 2 pm. TH The Duke and the Duchess and HH Duke Michael were present.

Tulips Ball

On 28 May Duke Alexander, his fiancée Hande Macit and Duke Michael attended the 6th Edition of the Tulips Ball, held this year at the Koepelkerk in Amsterdam. Duke Michael’s involvement with the Tulips Ball began while studying at Leiden University and he serves as a member of the Organising Committee. His mother the Duchess…

Annual Memorial Service in Mirow

On 28 August the annual memorial service for deceased members of the House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz took place at the Church of St John in Mirow where the family crypt is located. The service was led by Pastor Ulrike Kloss of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany, and the retired Catholic Pastor, Bernhard Szymanski. This…

Tourism in Ratzeburg

On 30 July, Duke Michael was in Ratzeburg to participate in a meeting about the development of tourism on the island city. The Principality of Ratzeburg was acquired by the House of Mecklenburg in 1648 and formed part of the territory of Mecklenburg-Strelitz upon its creation in 1701. Today it serves as the capital of…

Memorial Service in Mirow

The annual memorial service for deceased members of the House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz took place today at the Church of St John in Mirow in the presence of Their Highnesses Duke Alexander and Duke Michael. The service was led Father Bernhard Szymanski accompanied by Propst Joachim Thal on the organ.  The service this year paid particular…

The Tulips Ball

Between 24-26 May Their Highnesses Duke Alexander and Duke Michael attended the three day programme of the 5th Edition of the Tulips Ball, held this year in The Hague. Duke Michael’s involvement with the Tulips Ball began while studying at Leiden University and he serves as a member of the Organising Committee. His mother The…

Duke Michael on 100 years since the end of the Monarchy

It is now 100 years ago that the monarchy in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Russia ended. Sometimes regions experience a violent revolution others got away with a blue eye. Mecklenburg-Strelitz was one of the latter places. The revolution was short and the division of the Domanium, the property of the Grand Duke, in Mecklenburg-Strelitz peaceful…

Mirow Restauration – Mitteilung von Herzog Michael

Es ist dem Haus Mecklenburg-Strelitz auch ein großes Anliegen nicht nur an das wunderbare Treffen zwischen den Häusern Montenegro und Mecklenburg-Strelitz, sondern auch an die großartige Arbeit rund um die Renovierung der Kirche und Gruft in Mirow zu erinnern. Durch die großartige politische Unterstützung und Arbeit von Herrn Kokert, Landesvorsitzender der CDU Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns, Herrn Schmettau,…